Inspiration is something that we all need. No matter how old we are, how young or what our chosen career path is, inspiration and motivation is a big part of success. One man, Eric Thomas, knows this and has made a career out of helping to motivate and inspire others.
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Eric Thomas is known as The Hip Hop Preacher. He inspires, he motivates, he educates, and he lifts up not only his community, but also young kids. His aim is to light a fire within people to help them achieve their greatest potential. He travels all around the world to speak to groups about becoming high performers and in turn they inspire those around them through their success. He has helped to empower Fortune 500 companies, organizations, schools, students and more. But what happens when the people you are trying to inspire don't want to hear it? What are you supposed to do then? Well, this happened to him while on the road.
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While he was visiting a school in St. Louis called Vashon High School, in 2016, he encountered something he normally doesn't have to deal with in other areas. And he was bothered. He was so disturbed by the occurrence that he stoped his entire speech. He couldn't go on with the amount of disrespect he was receiving from them. He couldn't believe that they didn't care. All many of them wanted to do was crack jokes throughout the important words he was trying to share. So he went off book. And in doing so, he said some things he didn't plan on saying. He tried to get through to them and it wasn't working; the students kept disrespecting him.
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So instead of continuing on, he had some choice words for the students. Watch below to see what he had to say.
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